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The Most Worrisome Happens



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The distance from Fort Smith to Ozark is 61 kilometers. There are a few cities in the middle, but there is no motel. Actually, I should have traveled about 12 kilometers more from Fort Smith yesterday, but the weather was bad and I wanted to celebrate the passing of the halfway point by myself by taking a rest early. So I had more to travel today, but I didn't think much of it, thinking it¡¯s ok. I am in the middle of the Great Plains now, so naturally I thought that the Great Plains is flat land and I was lazy to shop every day, so I bought a lot of water and juice, loaded it full in my cart, and moved happily, enjoying the refreshing spring breeze on a sunny day.


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I felt Fort Smith, as a small city, is like a college town because Arkansas State University was located. Going a little further, I met the famous rodeo stadium where preparations were in full swing for the weekend rodeo match. It was sad that I could not watch the rodeo game which I had watched only on TV.


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That's my pleasant run went. Moving about 37 kilometers and eating a sandwich at Mulberry for late lunch, I proudly told the story of my transcontinental to the young female workers. The story was more interesting only when it was exaggerated, so I told the girls excitedly who opened their eyes wide and looked with curious eyes, as if I had been a little prince flying from another planet. The beast I met while lost turned into a leopard in the desert, and a fox turned into a few wolves. I said I beat my opponents with a strong eye laser every time. I am a Korean taekwondo fighter, and if I gather energy, I get that ability." At Williams before going to Flag Staff, brief encounter with a lady was also changed to a wonderful romance with a very attractive woman. It was a one-night encounter, but I made it a pure love that would never be forgotten. It was fun to enjoy the girls' growing eye pupils. The taste of exaggerating to little girls was not bad.


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The girls listened carefully to my story and told me worriedly that it was 27kilometers to Ozak, and it was a steep mountain path after crossing a small river just below the hill. I thought they were bluffing like I was. And I bragged one more time, saying, "No problem to me. I rather enjoy the steep hillside!", for I climbed the steep mountain path many times.


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The small river was beautiful. There was a park on the river hill, and I could see people fishing. The rich face of a man who catches several trout and comes out of a twig is reflected in the sun-drenched afternoon waters. I'm thinking of putting up a tent by the beautiful river and spending the night. But the night was so beautiful that I would feel sad, so I decided to move forward.but that decision became the worst decision of the trip. Everything would have been smooth if I had put up a tent next to a small river running along a rocky cliff and enjoyed a nice afternoon's sunset.


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As I cross the river and start climbing the mountain right away, a heavy cart full of luggage is beyond my power. Girls' words were not exaggeratory like mine. The slope of the narrow, steep mountain path was the steepest hill ever. Passes do not always appear alone on the mountain path. If I pass beyond one, I will continue beyond another and another. I pass over several passes, sweating much and pushing my way up the heavy cart with all my might. Then a sprained signal came from the muscles surrounding the shinbone, and the shock of the electric shock spread across the entire body. It was as if the necklace that an Indian grandmother gave me as a gift was being broken from the shin. There was an ominous premonition when the necklace fell off my neck. For a moment, dark clouds poured into my head, and the ominous thought of the collapse of the best tower covered my whole body. There was a sense of despondency that everything had flown away. The sense that my adventure is over here! Now that I've had an outbreak on my leg while the journey depends on my two legs, my adventure is to be over here.


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There is no time when we are sad and lonely as when we go out of home alone and are sick. Even worse, it is fatal to have an injury to my body when I am on this extreme adventure of body and mind. In fact, the threat of injuries, both large and small, has been spreading throughout my body.

A body that is extremely tired is bound to become less immune. The strongest mentality is the only defense force that can protect me from these injuries and sicknesses. The extreme human spirit protected me well from the terrible injuries and disease, but the moment I let go of the tension, the injury came to me.


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Now it's getting darker and darker, and my body is badly tired, and I've got a foot injury. My eyes twitch with pain coming from my feet automatically. Wherever it is safe, I should put up a tent and rest, but no matter how much I look around, I can't find a safe place to rest because the forest is very deep. Whenever I take a step, the pain is transferred from the injured shin as it is. I crossed the steep hills of 5% ascending grade on and on, pushing the heavy cart weighing more than 70kgs, which was very hard without any baggage. I had to go enough 10 kilometers more to get to Ozak, where the motel is located.


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I dragged my legs into a motel in Ozak after a long hard struggle, and when I saw the injured part, my legs swelled up. I started to scrub with ice packs. And when I contacted Dr. Park in LA, the foot specialist, he asked for symptoms and asked me to take a picture of the foot and send it to him. Then he said he would fax the medical certificate. The problem is that there are no hospitals and no big pharmacies around here. The bigger problem is that no matter how good a doctor is and what good medicine we have, we can't fix it in a few days if we have an injury to our foot.


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My feet carried on miracles day by day, silently carrying out tasks that seemed impossible. It was great enough to run through this vast continent with my own body, and I crossed the rough fields and mountains, pushing the heavy cart. I have never thought that I wanted to give up and go home even though it's so hard and painful like punishment to come here or I ¡®ve never thought that I would even take a rest for a few days. Rather, I was worried that I could not be able to complete the race. But now I sit before a sad agonizing time to decide whether to give up due to injury or keep moving forward.


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All I can do now is to stay up all night and do scrubbing the injury with ice packs carefully. Even my extremely surprised heart also had to be cooled down with ice packs. Once again, I should be

determined to keep up the top of the tension.


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When I was a child, adults said that when a person dies, his or her feet die first. My heart is plunged into unbearable emptiness that my bold challenge should report its death due to a foot injury. There are many messages of encouragement and support to take a few days off and to continue. The problem is that a few days off will not guarantee a recovery from the injury. It's common knowledge that if we get this kind of injury when we exercise at home, we usually can't exercise for six months. What's scary is that during a few days off, my top defenses, tension, will disarm itself. If the mental tension is relaxed during the break, the screws will be loosened, my worry is that I will not be able to use my strength like a disassembled robot with a screw loose.


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It's not easy to keep the best tension for a long time. That's why while there aren't many people running the trans-continental marathon, most of those who try to do it step down in the middle. Normally, with injuries like this, I'd be right to abstain. But now I'm challenging something beyond the human limit. I will re-adjust the best human spirit and start out of my mind again.


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Running across the America, I sang a song of hope. Many people listened and clapped to my song of hope. I sang a song of peace and unification, I sang a song of the start of a new life in my fifties, I sang a song of running and health. My song has to go on. My run must continue in order for my song to continue. My song of hope should contain something beyond frustration, beyond fear, beyond what is beyond what is thought. It also required a ceremony to comfort the bloodthirsty steps of ¡®Long Walk¡¯ of the native Indians of the land who were forced to flee from their mother's land to a barren land, while they were deprived of the original land by the whites.




by Kang Myong-ku

translated by Song In-yeup


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