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(16) ¡°Ë´Ù¸® Stepping Stones



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While running in Arizona, I can't hide my surprise from time to time in the face of a strange landscape. Running through the wilderness sand dunes, I can see an unexpected strange, wonderful, mysterious rock mountain, a cliff-like stretch like the Great Wall, and giant mushroom-shaped red rocks, and feel like the captain of a spaceship landing on the Planet of the Apes. Nature is the object of fear to us, but it also makes us excited, marvels, and leads us to the world of infinite imagination. Traveling is a comforting act of finding some strange pieces of the world that are still unknown.


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Just 30 days after departing from Santa Monica Beach, where Route 66 ends, I passed through Nevada, California, through Arizona and now we arrived at Gallup, New Mexico's first city. Route 66 is the first road from Chicago to Santa Monica Beach in the U.S. connecting the east and west for the first time. The road, which had been filled with immigrants' affections and dreams, has been reduced in its role since 1950 with the build-up of several highways, and remains now only a trace of a historic road. My transcontinental running route is also centered along this road.


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Sometimes I get caught up in the running itself and run like crazy. Suddenly, there was a noise from behind, and I turned around surprisingly and he was riding a bicycle.

"I saw your back from that distance and followed you diligently on the pedals. Are you sure you're walking across the continent?¡±

I corrected him that I run, not walk.

"What a wonderful thing! How many months do you expect?"

"Four months. I left Santa Monica Beach on February 1. Are you also cycling across the continent alone? When did you leave?¡±

"I left Huntington Beach on February 22nd, and I'm expecting it for about a month. I run about 160 kilometers a day. It's all the way to Merle Beach, North Carolina. I live in Dayton, Ohio. How long do you run a day? Are you sure you're running alone without a car behind you?¡±

"I run about 42.195 kilometers a day, a full marathon. I'm alone like you. I'm running to New York alone.¡°

He thought himself great, but he was ashamed when he met me, he said, Giving me the best praise and eyes, he wrote down my name and contact number and we departed, shouting ¡±Fighting!¡° to each other. His clothes were stained with more dirts than mine and even shiny because they were greasy. His body smelled of a homeless man who hadn't taken a shower for a long time, common in the subway in New York. Still, I could tell he was tall and handsome. I could see at a glance that he was travelling poorer than I was. "Blessed are the poor in spirit! Heaven is theirs."


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I have to stay overnight at the highway rest stop in Gallup today. The weather falls below zero at dawn. At the back of the rest stop stood a red rock mountain majestic with Indian, eagle and wolf sculptures. The entrance to the rest area was lined with Indian handicraft shops. Those who met at the rest stop encouraged and cheered me, and some people gave even some cash for my expenses.


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The harmony of a red sandstone that suddenly rose on a desolate ground, a tower of red rock that soared into the sky and a red twilight that fell behind it was just enough to comfort my weary soul. Running through the wilderness of Arizona, I dried up my soul in the sunset and gained peace. As the sun goes down, the temperature drops sharply. I went to bed with my duck jacket in layers of thick clothes I had brought.


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The transcontinental marathon, which runs relatively well-packaged roads, is like crossing stepping stones that sit sparsely on a rough stream when I run alone. America is so vast and sometimes we can't meet a city or town even though we drive a car for hours. Therefore, if something wrong, we may run on our feet for several days and not be able to meet anywhere or any one. The maximum loadable food and water on my cart is three or four days. Crossing the stepping stones once every two or three days is very stable. So when I cross one, I am worried about the next one. It is more of a concern to look at the map and find stepping stones than to run every day. There is no time to worry about things that are far away. I must find stepping stones to cross within two or three days, at the longest, within a week.


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Perhaps the U.N. headquarters in NY that I set as my goal is only wishful thinking for now and may be the object of the other shore. There is no time to worry about something in the distant future. Today I look only as far as I can reach tomorrow. It's just looking for a single stepping stone that I can move the next step.


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When young, I used to have a nightmare of crossing the stepping stones, failing to jump on the next one, falling into water, getting wet all my body and catching a cold. This is because I actually have that experience. Even after becoming an adult, there has always been such anxiety. I didn't live a life of speeding down a well-paved road like a highway. I couldn't even see a well-paved road, but most of all, I couldn't adjust to the dull times of my own running ahead. Rather than the truth written on the blackboard, I was often daydreaming, looking up at the blue sky, intoxicated by the scent of lilac flowers flowing in from the campus.


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I didn't live a fast-paced life on the highway, but most of all, I can live a vibrant life, maintaining my precious health, and living with my dreams at this age because I have family members, teachers, relatives and friends who have become my stepping stones at the right distance. There were quite a few people who have become my stepping stones on this short journey for a month or so.




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I run the America continent alone, but if I think of myself as a loner in the world, I won't have the power to run like this.

I am constantly interacting with those who have become my stepping stones and running using the energy extracted from them.

The source of my energy begins with the idea that I am not alone. My strength comes from the people who support me, encourage me, and pray for me.


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I also hope that through this run, I will give courage and hope to those who are now in despair and who have collapsed out of frustration. I want to instill confidence that they can do it, as I¡¯ve overcome such hard difficulties and crossed the stepping stones one by one. I hope to convey challenges and inspiration to young people as well.


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According to the weather forecast, there would be a blizzard starting at 3 p.m. today. I woke up around 3 a.m. in order to arrive before 3 p.m. and prepared and set off. Anyway, I put up a tent at the highway rest shop and went to sleep, so I got up early and started running because it was the coldest time. I can forget the cold to a certain extent when I run. Fortunately, I set up a motel and unpacked my luggage and went out to eat, and then sandstorms started hitting me in the face. Then, at exactly three or four o'clock, a blizzard begins to strike heavily. A sigh of relief is exhaled for itself. If I had met this blizzard on the road, how big a failure would it have been?


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I get tired because I¡¯ve run in an alpine region higher than Mt. Halla in Korea which is 1,500 meters to 2,100 meters above sea level for two to three weeks. When people ask me if I walk, I always correct that I run, but in this oxygen-poor place, the meaning of running is fading. A little bit of running brings my breath to my throat. I was walking and running alternatively, but I had more time to walk in this high region. Sometimes I can't see the stepping stones. Then I can't move forward and I don't seem to go back. Today is the day. I'll take a break today and save my energy to jump to the far-sighted stepping stone.




by Kang Myong-ku

translated by Song In-yeup


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