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¡¤Yunsun¡¯s Hudson Diary¡¯ (17)
¡¤±×¸°Ä¡ÀÇ »çÀ̵å¿÷ (16)
¡¤À⵿̱ÀÇ Ú¸±³Á÷Àλý½ºÅ丮 (7)
¡¤ÀÌ¸íµ¿ÀÇ ¼¼°èÀÎ Çѱ¹ÀΠ(123)
¡¤ÇϺñ´ÏÀÇ Howdoin (3)
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Going beyond the ethnic background while retaining our core value is the ideal for any and every American. Nowadays, each one of us belongs on the world stage. It's up to each one of us how far we can go on that stage. It is a long, and demanding journey, at the same time, interesting, wonderful, rewarding task. This writing is a part of that task. - Dr. Myong D. Lee

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      Hope there may have been certain romance in venturing out into the sea in the time of Portuguese, as I had fe¡¦
ÀÌ¸íµ¿ 2020-04-24
The issues we face at the moment are many, complex, and touch on our human nature; our priorities. Our priorities should be, hopefully, based on o¡¦
ÀÌ¸íµ¿ 2020-04-04
      We had a gathering of family and friends at the Bay Area, and it was wonderful in many ways: many many/ ¡¦
ÀÌ¸íµ¿ 2019-10-07
        It finally dawned on me that the beauty of life is being able to create a big picture instinctively/intell¡¦
ÀÌ¸íµ¿ 2019-09-03
  Election 2020   ¡°Elections have Consequences.¡± ¡°Every single vote counts.¡± ¡°Democracy dies in Da¡¦
ÀÌ¸íµ¿ 2019-04-14
    The midterm election of 2018 clearly pointed out the overriding issues and trends in the U.S.A. They¡¯re health care and ¡¦
ÀÌ¸íµ¿ 2018-11-25
   Our life can be wonderful provided a few things work for us. I know those, a few things, seem impossible at times, and they a¡¦
ÀÌ¸íµ¿ 2018-09-16
      All of us should have some ideas of what kind of community we¡¯d like to have for us, now, and for the gener¡¦
ÀÌ¸íµ¿ 2018-08-08
  Very interesting world we¡¯re living in, indeed. The only thing is that this interesting time reminds me of the parable, ¡°Blin¡¦
ÀÌ¸íµ¿ 2018-08-02
    ¡°I¡¯m finally free.¡± The last words of the dying main character in a movie which I don¡¯t remember when, which lang¡¦
ÀÌ¸íµ¿ 2018-06-24
    The FINDER (fresh insight, new dialogue, enduring responsibility) has been examining important issues of our time; the importance¡¦
ÀÌ¸íµ¿ 2018-06-16
    Every thinking person hopes to have clear identity even though that identity may be evolving with time. Identity is ¡¦
ÀÌ¸íµ¿ 2018-06-05
   Problems, conflicts, differences in culture, perception, and sensibility are expected on the road to achieve the Panmunjom Declaration. ¡¦
ÀÌ¸íµ¿ 2018-05-22
      Any breakthrough, successful, historical, negotiation requires three elements. First, understanding the issue c¡¦
ÀÌ¸íµ¿ 2018-05-02
  In many ways, KAs are going through many crucial moments/historical events, now. We¡¯re at the stage where we have to think about our¡¦
ÀÌ¸íµ¿ 2018-04-28
    As a topic IDENTITY is not easy to approach, or analyze because there are so many moving parts and they continue to move a¡¦
ÀÌ¸íµ¿ 2018-03-08
Examining identity is examining history.History may repeat itself but it is the story of our struggle for better humanity.Well, many times history rep¡¦
ÀÌ¸íµ¿ 2018-02-21
  Most of us are doing fine with our identity without much conscious efforts. We adapt, change, agonize, find balance and peace, in ¡¦
ÀÌ¸íµ¿ 2018-02-12
Trying to get thoughts together for the topic/8th Communal Dialogue. This is just the beginning.         Tru¡¦
ÀÌ¸íµ¿ 2017-11-06
 The Wonderful, Memorable,
Transcending September of 2017
  It just sort of happened. Yes, but, someone had it in mind a long time ago. And everybody has been working at it. Ever¡¦
ÀÌ¸íµ¿ 2017-09-29
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